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Monday, January 10, 2011

January Journals: Day 10

This morning we woke up to a nice blanket of snow! Beautiful!
After nap time today we went out in the snow to build a snowman and "enjoy" the snow. Jacob's favorite part of being outside was stomping in the slush with Daddy. We were out there for about 20-30 minutes and made this!
I wanted to get a happy picture of Jacob and the snowman...but....this is what Jacob thought about his REALLY cold hands. He had reached his LIMIT and was ready to go inside. So I snapped a picture anyways and we went back in.

Thanks for checking in with us today! See you tomorrow! Have a blessed day!


  1. Cute snowman! Poor Jacob...that's about what I look like when I get too cold! hehe

  2. Jacob looks like the little brother in "A Christmas Story" who is all bundled up and can't move! :) Too cute.
