Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 13, 2009


Jackson says, "Brothers don't shake hands...brothers gotta....LICK!!!!!!"

Jacob says, "Hey man, that's my face!"

Jackson says, "Yep, that's left over peaches alright."

Jackson says, "What's that smell?"

Jacob says, "Don't make fun of me. I've got you pinned."

Jackson says, "I give up. You win!"

Thanks for checking in with us. Have a blessed day!


  1. Hi, Julie, Jeff & Jacob~
    I just can not believe that Jacob is 9 months old! What a blessing he is to you and to all of us. You do a great job posting his pictures.
    We have prayed for you all and would love to see you.
    Our love, Becky & Norm Cole in Sacramento

  2. Oh so cute. Looks like Jackson and Jacob are real buds! Way to go mom, on the pics. Thanks for the update: G/Jo
