Cute as a Button and So Much Fun!
Elizabeth's 1st birthday party was a success! Family members from California and Atlanta came up for the celebration! It was a good time! Elizabeth was not so sure about all the stares and didn't really know what all the fuss was about...In the end, she likes the new toys, and seems to have found out that cake and icing is pretty good stuff! The theme was "Cute as a Button" so we had buttons galore! Thanks to Google, I found some cute ideas for decorations. No ladies, I am NOT on Pintrest, so, you can still find cute things and not need that silly website... :)
Here's some pictures of the fun...
paper plate buttons...mason jars with cupcake papers for lids... |
Sweet Elizabeth with her the dress I made for her. ;) |
Scrapbook paper banner and paper plate buttons... Also made a PowerPoint to show on the iPad... |
Table game (guess how many buttons). Congrats Uncle Buh for guessing the closest! :) |
Where the mess is made...a birthday bib to match her birthday dress! |
Putting buttons on the cake. Thanks to Agga for making marshmallow fondant buttons. They taste good and look so cute! |
The button cake and smash cake |
Silly big brother... |
Silly Uncle Biggie... |
Playing with her new toys... |
Yummy! |
Oh, me? |
Playing with the new Klip Klop Princess palace and stables... |
Oh, you know, just pushing my baby stroller! |
After... |
What a fun time! Thanks for checking in with us! Have a blessed day.